COAR - Workflows in Freshdesk - All Documents 

This guide shows the progression of an RPS Defined Benefit Distribution Request from initial request to disbursement.

Please see your departments procedure for step-by-step instructions.

RPS Defined Benefit Plan Payments - Normal Distributions & Force Out Cash Payments

Neurosurgical Associates DB Plan and Tennessee Vein DB Plan

CSR receives the request, creates a Freshdesk ticket using distribution request template (must add "- DB" to subject line. Ticket creation triggers reminder to Transaction Specialist to request ppwk from Lisa P.

Ticket status changed to: Closed

Once we get distribution packet from Lisa P, CSR will manipulate the document and send to participant.

CSR will also add the balance to the ticket and a to-do reminder if this is a force out.

Ticket status changed to: Closed

Participant returns paperwork. 

CSR downloads paperwork from document received ticket, closes that ticket, and finishes the request from the Distribution Request ticket.

Ticket status changed to: Open 

If we need more information from the participant, Ticket status changed to: Waiting

CSR reviews signed paperwork for completion, saves and attaches documents to ticket.

Ticket status changed to: Process (Assign to KB to Process Scenario Automation)

Daily Ops post the distribution fee.

Ticket status changed to: Trust Ops Process (Assign to Trust Ops for Processing Scenario Automation)

Trust Ops posts distribution in InnoTrust.

Ticket status changed to: Closed

RPS Defined Benefit Plan Payments - Force Outs as Rollover to IRA

Neurosurgical Associates DB Plan 

CSR receives the request, creates a Freshdesk ticket. Ticket creation triggers reminder to request ppwk from Lisa P.

Ticket status changed to: Closed

Once we get distribution packet from Lisa P, CSR will manipulate the document and send to participant.

CSR will also add the balance to the ticket and a to-do reminder if this is a force out.

Ticket status changed to: Closed

After 30-days

Ticket status changed to: Open 

CSR reviews signed paperwork for completion, saves and attaches documents to ticket.

In the Special Notes section, CSR adds Force out - rollover to Inspira. Can send 1 wire for all Inspira rollovers

Ticket status changed to: Process (Assign to KB to Process Scenario Automation)

Daily Ops post the distribution fee.

Ticket status changed to: Trust Ops Process (Assign to Trust Ops for Processing Scenario Automation)

Trust Ops posts distribution in InnoTrust.

Ticket status changed to: Process (Assign to Daily Ops for Processing Scenario Automation 

Daily Ops prepares files for rollover to Inspira Financial.

Ticket status changed to: Closed