When participants call requesting an address change, please use this workflow as a guide.

NHC Plans

Verify the plan participant using normal procedures.

Check the participants status in Relius


Advise the plan participant to contact their payroll department for the address update. We will document the new address in our ticketing system for the time being. When we receive the address updates from your payroll department, it will update in your retirement account.

Document the new address in the ticket.

Create and close the ticket.


Ask the plan participant for the new address. Once received, verify the new address using the USPS website. Save the new address in the ticket.

Using Relius, add the old address to Freshdesk. 

Advise the ptp we will have the address updated as soon as possible.

Create the ticket. 

After ticket creation, the CSR will follow their procedures to update the address and close the ticket.

Procedure: Return Mail.docx 

All Other Plans

Verify the plan participant using normal procedures.

Check the participants status in Relius


Advise the plan participant we will update their address in the system, however they must update with their payroll department. If not, the next payroll upload may overwrite our update.

Ask the plan participant for the new address. Once received, verify the new address using the USPS website. Save the new address in the ticket.

Using CSR, add the old address to Freshdesk. Add the new address to CSR. Save the changes.

Create and close the ticket.


Same process as Active, except the plan participant does not need to update their address with their payroll since they are no longer active.