3/11/2024 - Notified via EMail
The Caris employees that should have been auto-enrolled in December of 2023 were missed. We are going to be starting their 3% contributions on the next payroll. You might get calls. These partners will need to have their contributions stopped via participant web.
3/8/2024 - Notified via Teams
The Caris employees that incorrectly had contributions withheld from their paychecks are being refunded this payroll. They will receive the funds on their paycheck from NHC. If they login, they will see a negative transaction in their account for their refund. The match will go back to NHC, not the participant.
Let me know if you have any questions.
1/23/2024 - Notified via Teams
There was a mishap with a file from Caris that was uploaded into NHC on 11/30/23. There were some people in Caris that had a contribution rate amount in their census but had since elected not to defer. Therefore, made them pop up on the file. We are working on a resolve for this issue currently.
If someone calls with this issue, please notify Rebecca Rice via Freshdesk, set the ticket to waiting and assign the internal agent to Rebecca. She will provide instructions for next steps.
1/1/2024 - Notified via Teams
Verify Deferral Requests from the Web tickets created January 3.
There's quite a few tickets assigned to Teri for these call backs. She's going to log off when Michael is available to make the calls. But if they don't answer, they may call back. Per RR, these are a special case.
This came from Rebecca:
I want to give you some back story so you are aware what happened.
At the end of 2023 Caris and NHC payrolls combined into 1. The balances haven't moved from Caris to NHC yet. The people from Caris needed to have their contribution rates put into NHC and sent to NHC for payroll for 1/2/24. The contribution rate for these tickets I'm sending were wrong and need corrected.
There are special instances in each one and I will specify in the tickets. We need to let the partner know we need to know what they want for the deduction going forward. Also, there will be some people that contributed more than they should have. We need to make sure they were okay with the contribution. If not we can correct it by a refund.
Do not close any of these tickets. I will review each one. After they have been contacted, assign internal agent to me. We need to call everyone until we have reached them.
If you have any questions let RR know in the ticket for a specific ptp or in the NHC chat for the overall process.
Information provided to Caris about the merger
If participants coming from Caris into NHC want to change their contribution rate to something other than what it was in the Caris plan for the first payroll from NHC, the change must be made before 12/21/2023. Any other changes won't take effect until the payroll following.
[9/7 8:23 AM] Zerconia Davis
NHC or Caris or BOTH?!
Hi everyone! We have been facing some communication issues between Caris and NHC. Since all Caris participants are employed by NHC, some have moved to NHC centers and same NHC participants are moved to Caris facilities. This is what's causing issues with the payroll files.
The teams are diligently working together to resolve the issue, but for now, please see the below if you have questions.
If someone calls that is in both the NHC plan and the Caris plan in Relius, check which plan they have current payroll through. That should be the plan they are in right now. That is the plan their deferrals should come from. Be sure to check all payrolls after July 2023.
If the person you're talking to has switched between the two, the will need to re-elect their deferral rate online. If you all do this for them via CSR, please make it clear in the ticket.
Let me know of any questions, CSRs!
Caris Missed Contributions
What Happened:
Select employees were left of the Contributions to be Taken Report sent to NHC on behalf of the Caris Plan due to a reporting limitation. It has since been recognized and won’t happen in the future.
How to fix:
- Each affected employee will need to call TTC and let us know if they would like to make up the missed contribution.
- TTC will take a one-time double contribution amount on their next paycheck and calculate the correct match amount due.
- CSRs will need to generate a FD ticket and tag Rebecca if a partner calls and wants to make up the missed contribution.
- There is no deadline of when a Caris employee has to notify us.
- No call means no action will be taken on their account and normal contribution rates will continue going forward.
[6/26 11:35 AM] Zerconia Davis
Update about Caris moving into NHC 401k plans
New contributions will continue to go into Caris' plan until the end of the year.
Caris' payroll file format will align with NHC's to prepare for the transition in January.
There will be a short payroll in the beginning of July to allow this to happen.
Later we will map investments, contributions, and beneficiaries when it's time to transition. They Caris ptps will NOT have to enroll in the NHC plan.
Please let me know of any questions!