Sending as Fax
We have two fax numbers to receive documents to planinfo.
865-342-1964 and 865-342-1962
If we send a fax, it will be sent from 865-342-1964.
Relius/FIS Support
Website: Client Portal (
Entity/Client ID: TrustCo
Username: first name.last name
*MFA required
Phone # 844-634-7669 –
Product: Relius Administration
Our Account number: 531745
Our Entity ID: 100104
Environment/Product: Relius ASP
Use the website or phone number to report a Relius incident.
Participant Web Password Defaults
Relius App
Full guide: Relius App FAQ for CSRs.pdf
App Symbol
1. Open the Google Play Store.
2. Search for “The Trust Company Retire.”
3. Tap Install.
1. Open the App Store.
2. Search for “TTC Retire.”
3. Tap “Get.”
Order of Testing Refunds by source
If the participant contributes to both ROTH and Traditional and the plan fails testing, Roth will be refunded first, then Traditional.
Requests to open a RPS Directed (FBO) Account
Person handling Plan Info should assign the ticket as Investment Election - Information and Assign to Keri Tibbals. She will contact the RM and make sure all documents are signed before setting up the account.
If the RM calls, start a FD ticket and assign it to Keri.
Follow process linked here: RPS Directed Account Process.docx
Processing time
Distributions - 5-7 business days
Loans 5-7 business days
NHC terminated distributions - once per quarter
NHC ESOP distributions - once per year
- New accountholders can contact the Client Service number at 877-682-4727 during their regular business hours, Monday – Friday from 7:00am to 7:00pm CT or email us at for account questions.
- New accountholders may visit to claim their account online. This will direct them to the claim account section.
- Accountholders may visit to access the Inspira Investment Platform. If the accountholder starts on the main login page at noted above, they will need to select the ‘Get Started’ button and then select ‘Claim Account’.
Rule of 55
The Rule of 55 is not a plan provision, it is an IRS guideline. If an employee terminates after age 55, but before reaching age 59 1/2, they can take a full distribution of their account without having to pay the IRS 10% penalty for early withdrawal. All terminated employees have access to take their funds, but if they are under age 55, they will owe the 10% early withdrawal penalty on their taxes if the funds are not rolled over to another qualified vehicle.
The Rule of 55 allows a terminated employee to retire early and not owe that 10% penalty.
Participant Requests SPD
The SPD can be located by opening the L Drive, finding the client file, then selecting the link within the client file.
Once opened, you'll be in SharePoint. The rest of the file path is below.
Plan Document > Cycle 3 Restatement
- File name: Summary Plan Description DATE Plan Name
Storage Boxes for old files
File location for storage box log: L:\CLIENTS.S-Z\SMITH.HAMM
Open the highlighted spreadsheet. Find the Plan name & Year & type of request. If you locate it, provide the box number to Angela and ask her to order the box.
Payroll questions from plan contacts
Please direct all calls to Marissa/Kerie. If we need to send an email, please send to
Common questions include:
- trouble uploading payroll
- payroll deduction questions
- additional payrolls needed
- things missed on the payroll upload
For those having trouble accessing PSW, the CSRs can help. For those who need access to PSW, please get the request to Marissa/Keri.
RPS Fees
When looking at CSR (Relius Web)
Generally, when fees are grouped together at the beginning of the quarter, they’re for the fees listed below.
Quarterly Admin Fee
Prorated Annual admin Fee
Prorated Quarterly RK/Asset Fee
If the fee is not grouped with other fees, most likely it's the loan maintenance fee.
To find out if a plan is charged or invoiced, use this report: FeeReportByAccountGROUPAndDateRange - SQL Server 2017 Reporting Services (tck.local)
If the link doesn't work, find it in Flo > Custom Reports: Fee Report By Account And Date Range
The I in that “How Charged” column indicates I for Invoiced; which translates to us invoicing the plan for fees.
When you see D that means ‘direct debit’ and that translates to us charging the plan participants directly.
DOB changes
If a DOB is incorrect in our system, in order to update we must update in Relius
A plan contact can communicate the DOB update. From there, we need no further proof.
A plan ptp can communicate the DOB update along with a DL or document proving the correct DOB.
- Once we receive the correct DOB - reach out to Zerconia
- In that communication add the Plan name, ptp name, incorrect DOB and correct DOB
- If the DOB is within the same year, we are good to update. Zerconia may update or ask you to update
- If the DOB is not within the same year, Zerconia will send an email to Daily Ops requesting the DOB change
If the plan ptp is active, make sure someone has contacted the plans payroll contacts to update their records as well.
SSN changes/updates
If a SSN is incorrect in our system, in order to update we must update in Relius
A plan contact can communicate the SSN update. From there, we need no further proof.
A plan ptp can communicate the SSN update along with a copy of their SSN Card or government issued document proving the correct SSN.
- Once we receive the correct SSN with proof, email Daily Ops with the request to change the SSN
- In that communication add the Plan name, ptp name, incorrect SSN and correct SSN
If the plan ptp is active, make sure someone has contacted the plans payroll contacts to update their records as well.
Gross/Net Calculation
Net / .80 = Gross
Gross * .20 = FTW Amount
Disability Definitions
The definition of disability can vary based on the Plan Document. To be sure, please submit a RPS Compliance Question for clarity: Retirement Plan Services (
A power of attorney generally gives the named POA the authority to act on the plan ptps behalf. Before we can act, the POA must be reviewed by Legal. These requests should be submitted via Flo: Home - Flo (
- request the document from the caller
- make a ticket to document the conversation and save the contact information for the intended POA in the ticket
- once the document is received, add a copy to the ticket
- send Legal Request to review the POA document
- once we receive approval, document the ticket and contact the plan participant and the POA
- add the POA information to the notes section of the plan ptps contact in Freshdesk and close the ticket
Tracking Numbers
If a client request a check be overnighted, the processors will include that in the request. Once the request is processed, an email will come to plan info with the tracking number. The person handling plan info will add the tracking information to the original request ticket. If you get a call and there is no tracking number, please verify there was a request to overnight the check before asking someone to find the tracking number.
Small Balances
Terminated participant questions options for balance under $75
If the participant wants the funds distributed, we can do so. Relius will not charge a fee if the balance is at or under $75.
If we have received completed distribution paperwork within the last 6 months and they want the funds paid in the same manner, we can process a distribution (2nd distribution).
If the distribution paperwork is more than 6 months old or they do not want the funds in the same way as the original paperwork, we need new paperwork completed.
Terminated participant questions why balance was fee'd out under $75
If a participant has an issue with the balance paid out as a fee, please inform the participant the balance was going to go to zero in one of 3 ways if the participant did not request the distribution:
• The quarterly admin fees will drain the balance
• We fee the balance as under our distribution fee threshold
• Being a force out to Millennium Trust
We have an obligation to the plan sponsor to remove small balances from the plan to keep their participant count as low as possible for the 5500. Unless the balance is over 5K, there is no protection for participants to stay in the plan indefinitely.
Additional funds in the account after full term distributions
There are a few reasons a ptp may have a balance after taking a full term distribution and closing the account. A good example id dividends. Daily Ops tried to mitigate, but it's not always possible. Most of the time, the reason is due to contributions made by the ER after the ptp took a distribution.
Match Diversification
- All the match contributions from NHC are invested in NHC Common Stock
- Partner becomes fully vested after 3 YOS. After becoming 100% vested, partner can move their match from the NHC Common Stock
- Future election change is effective the following payroll
- Current balance change is effective the following month
Spouse didn't date the Certification of Spouse section
We can accept notarized paperwork without the date from the spouse. We cannot accept paperwork without a signature from the spouse, or with any incompletions from the notary. The notary verifies the spouse is who they say they are. With that, we are good to assume the date the notary listed is the same day the spouse signed the paperwork.
Spousal consent signed for beneficiary designation. Does the participant also need consent for the distribution?
Beneficiary spousal consent is for who gets the account upon death of the participant. Distribution spousal consent is required for the spouse consenting to distribution from the plan in a form other than the spousal annuity (even if beneficiary has been designated otherwise). The consent on the bene form is NOT a waiver.
Cashed check copy or cleared check copy
To request a copy of the check, please tag Taryn in the ticket or email Trust Ops if Taryn isn't here.
-Verify if the check has cleared before requesting
Fraud - someone else cashed participant's check from retirement plan
1) Request a copy of the cleared check and find the signed paperwork, if applicable
Compare the signature on the check to the signed paperwork - notate if they look similar
2) Send the participant the documents for review as well as the Affidavit of Forgery saved on the distribution forms folder. If the participant does not recognize the signatures, ask them to complete the Affidavit and return to us.
A signature on the Affidavit is the participant agreeing they did not cash the check in question. Once the form is received, SmartBank will investigate. The investigation could take up to 6 months. If it was, in fact fraud, I'm pretty sure SmartBank will reimburse us/them.
Participant has been hacked or want to make sure no one can access web account
check box in Relius, Census, security
Overnighted Checks
Verify if a check was sent overnight by opening the transaction in InnoPay
- In the Payee tab, scroll down to Miscellaneous Details
- Pull Code: ONE TIME PULL means the check was overnighted
ACH Information:
L:\Alloca\Installment Election Forms\Direct Deposit Authorization
ACH/Banking Updates from Trust Ops
These are sent back to us from IPX any time there's an issue with banking information.
Sometimes it's plan level - these will be handled by Daily Ops.
Sometimes it's participant level - this will be handled by the person handling Plan Info requests.
Reading the email
The first line is the transaction type - Return or NOC
Return means the funds have been returned to us. The report will mention why.
NOC = Notice of Change. The code will determine what the change is.
Column F explains what needs to be changed. Column G tells you what to change it to.
C01 means incorrect account number.
- These are usually coupled with an ACH returned notification. The CS Department should contact the ptp for updated banking information. Once received, start a ticket to reissue the funds.
C05 means incorrect transaction code (Checking vs Savings).
- For these, if the funds were deposited, the CS Department should review the account/request. If there's a possibility we may deposit funds for the ptp again, contact the ptp to confirm the NOC from the bank and get it updated before their next distribution. Otherwise, the next deposit will be returned.
How are unpaid loan balances paid when a terminated participant requests a distribution or when the loan defaults?
FIRST: Distribution amount minus Distribution Fee = Balance after Fee
SECOND: FTW withheld on total balance after fee
THIRD: Loan balance offset to cover unpaid loan balance
FOURTH: Net amount paid to plan participant
For taxable distributions we do withhold taxes on the entire account (which includes the loan balance).
For rollovers we do not withhold taxes.
Can someone with a defaulted loan pay it back in order to get a new loan?
Yes, use canned response for question to submit to compliance.
Loan Payoff Defaulted Loan
For questions about late loan payment letters, please email
Simple IRAs and QCDs
You cannot make QCDs from an active Simple IRA. Ptp would have to transfer to a traditional IRA if that Simple is over two years old to make a QCD.
Tracking deferrals for other plans in RA
Send this request to Daily Ops
Letter of Determination/Opinion Letters/Advisory Letters
IRS Opinion Letter can be used for 401ks
Have a diff one for 403b - get from the client folder
457s don't have one
NHC has their own
If financial institution wants one, use the Verification of Qualified Plan letter
Indirect Rollovers
Also known as 60 day rollovers
Incoming to TTC: As long as the plan accepts rollovers, yes we can accept.
Must be done before 60 days
We need:
Statement from previous financial institution
Copy of the check cut from the previous institution (stub included if possible)
Personal check written by the ptp (after deposited into a personal bank account)
Advice to plan ptp:
Make a copy of the check before depositing into checking account
Keep copies of the transaction and everything sent just in case the proof is needed for the IRS.
Accidental Employee Deferrals/ Contributions
If an employee has funds deducted from their check to go into their account by accident due to an internal TTC EE, please let the Supervisor know. We will notify the plan contacts needed to rectify the situation. Email Daily Ops to get the process started. Document the progress in a Freshdesk ticket.
If an employee has funds deducted from their check to go into their account by accident due to a mistake they made, we cannot change anything about the deduction that's already been processed. Advise the ptp to review and correct everything going forward. If the call escalates, let the Supervisor know.
NHC 401k Web Change Confirmation Emails
Due to the way the web must be set up for this plan, when a participant requests current balance and/or future election changes, the participant will receive a confirmation email for each source in the plan regardless if they have a balance in each source. This happens because Relius is "processing" a transaction for each source, even though those transactions don't post.
If a participant calls with questions, apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Where to find completed NHC paperwork
Quarterly Terminated Distributions: L:\CLIENTS.M-R\National HealthCare Corporation\_401k\Dist's\YYYY\Complete Review\XXX Qtr
ESOP: L:\CLIENTS.M-R\National HealthCare Corporation\_ESOP\Dists\YYYY\Complete Review\Select correct run
Key Partner enrollments:
Key Partner distribution letters:
SharePoint/Client File issues
Send request to Bethany Headrick - Business Analyst
Incoming wire rollovers
We can accept rollovers in with the wiring instructions below. Always request a statement to verify plan and funds.
2430 Teaster Lane
Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 37863
Bank Contact: Josh Davis
Bank Phone: (865) 868-0607
ROUTING #064209216
ACCOUNT #2009660
FFC: Name of account at TTC
Frequently used abbreviations
DOT: date of termination
DOH: date of hire
LOA: leave of absence
PTP: participant
distr: contribution
Contr: contribution
UDF: User-defined field
SSN: social security number